Thursday, January 8, 2009

Calling PLDT/Smart Bro Customer Service

Dear PHPUG Philippines Members,

In behalf of all the officers, members and volunteers, I would like to ask your help in reaching out to the Customer Service of PLDT/Smart Bro.

What's the problem?
Some subscribers of PLDT/Smart Bro could not access our community site

Did we send a request already?
Yes. Multiple times.

Did we reach out already?
Yes we did. And nothing happened.

How long has it been?
Since the middle of December 2008

I am certain if we voice out as one big community and if we can send out an email to with the following information (Smart Bro subscribers only).

For my account information:
Smart Bro No:
Contact No:
Available time for callout:

It would really help.

If in case you aren't a SB subscriber, you can help us by forwarding this to someone who works at PLDT / Smart Bro. You may even blog, tweet, post this anywhere.

Thanks in advance.

AJ Batac
PHPUGPH Community


Roy Sencio said...

Sounds like another frustrating situations with smart bro. I absolutely know what it feels and can relate to this... I have had a bad experience with smart bro.. for a long time actually but I just put up with it... and in the end it did not turn out good for me.. here is the story..

Roy Sencio said...

the link to my sad smart bro story is here